Maria Hutchison Counselling for Couples, Individuals and
Psychosexual Therapy in Chipping Norton

Should I Stay or Should I go?? Three Month On-Line Bespoke Program...

Should I Stay or Should I go is a program that helps couples restore their relationship, most couples end up in a vicious circle that can feel impossible to break, when their relationship hits crisis the following experiences are totally normal.

  • Communication can seem impossible.
  • Passion has usually died.
  • Love is in question.
  • Detachment is highly likely.
  • Needs are not being met.
  • Feeling torn - do I stay or do I go?
  • Feeling Misunderstood.
  • Feeling alone.
  • Feeling Rejected.

    The list could go on, but no matter what you are experiencing, if you are in crisis it’s a horrible place to be. The first step for anyone in this place is NOT to make a rush decision.

    Typical questions I am asked are:

  • It is possible to save a relationship that has been emotionally and sexually dead for years?
  • It is possible for the love to come back?
  • Is it possible to stop the rows and the power struggles?
  • Is it possible to recover from an affair?
  • Is it possible to communicate to your partner and be understood?

    The answer to all these questions is YES.

    Program for On-Line WorkShop

    Week One — Introduction and Discovery Zoom Call, one joint session and one individual session each…
    Week Two — I will set you a two week bespoke assignment with exercises..
    Week Four — Zoom Call and discuss progress and review previously set assignment, set new three week assignment…
    Week Seven — Zoom Call and discuss progress and review previously set assignment, set new three week assignment…
    Week Ten — Zoom Call and discuss progress and review previously set assignment, set new two week assignment…
    Week Twelve — Zoom Call and discuss progress and review previously set assignment.

    The Program includes Five joint sessions plus two individual sessions….

    Email me for more information and pricing....

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